Monday, March 30, 2009

SewMania and New Listings

I weathered the first two weeks of SewMania here at the home shop and made it to the other side alive. All packages are in the mail except one that I should be able to get out tomorrow. Whew! That was a lot of work! My shop has seen better days. So I plan to spend a good solid day this week doing nothing but vacuum up stray thread and organizing patterns and fabric. I've never wanted to clean and organize so much in my life!

I've listed items in the shop! In addition to the old ones I also added my favorite, the Frills stripwork top. Can I just say that I totally adore making these stripwork tops and anything with an applique? I am such a geek. I just like the creative stuff.

I worked with a customer to try out a new pattern recently with mixed results. I worked on a skirt and matching dresses and the skirt pattern is a keeper, for sure. I love it and will work one up for the store later this week. The dresses, though, will never see the light of day on my shop. It was fun and a privilege to have the opportunity to work on something new with some beautiful fabrics. I hope the new owners can get some use out of the end results!

After my last few weeks, I've reevaluated how I want to handle custom orders in the shop. I admit I hadn't given it much thought prior to the launch. I figured I would never have more orders than I could handle at any given time.

In other crafty news, I'm working on these adorable bunnies for my babies for Easter. Aren't they just so sweet? My little ones are going to FREAK!!! And they use up all my little scraps - bonus! I'm still working up a few ideas for my big kids. Figuring out bunny-themed handmade gifts for 11 and 14 year old boys is NOT easy! But I actually have about 4 ideas to work with. Stay tuned for photographic evidence!

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